Sunday, July 31, 2005

BBC NEWS | Technology | Wireless hijacking under scrutiny

BBC NEWS | Technology | Wireless hijacking under scrutiny

LOL this is brilliant. Two things I like about this story, well maybe not like but comments I have to make,

Firstly, The person who owned the wireless network should be fined for leaving backdoors open on the network that allow people to piggy-back their connection on it

Secondly, The person that did this should be given a job in Internet/Computer Security - he/she clearly knows a few things

I have a wireless network at home, tired to MAC addresses of connecting computers - so only people on the network are those machines that I have identified prior to's an easy job, hell there's a Wizard that does it for you on most Wireless Gateways lol

People ignorance to computers and security is shocking, just about everything on the computer has a Wizard of some sort that will fix/secure/aid all your desires.

Anyway, enough of my ranting, back to Progamming.. :(

Stay Safe

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Microsoft Windows VISTA!

Today, Microsoft Scrapped Longhorn!....and announced Microsoft Windows VISTA! (New operating system's new name)

Vista, even though I hate to say it, is looking nice. The visual effects on the GUI are looking pretty cool. Checkout the link above, has a nice little video of the announcement.

Enjoy, stay safe folks


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Counters, Counters Everywhere!

I started looking around various websites for a simple counter to place on my blog, however all I came across was colorful, fancy "digit" looking counters, I didn't want to signup to anyting, passing yet more spam lists my email...blah, I made my own.

For those of you out there reading this (all 1 of you lol) if you want a simple counter, like mine (to the right) you can do 1 of 2 things.

1. Here's the code, upload/install onto your website and link as instructed, below.
(Your website must support PHP 4 or greater and have the GD libraries enabled, Any questions, leave a comment pls)

2. Drop me a line and I'll set you up on my webspace and you can just link to that.
(Don't worry it will only count your hits not combine yours and mine hehe)

Install Instructions!
Upload the 2 files, if you have a chmod option on your ftp client ensure count.txt has been "chmod 770", basically means the system and you can read/write/open, everyone else get a "Access Denied" message. Then just link to the img.php as an image, Easy!
<img src=" since 2005" title="My Counter" />

Stay Safe Folks,


(The makers website is clearly being hounded by the Star Wars fans world wide as it wasn't responding when I posted this, but do take a look:

An excellent FanFilm! - Well worth a look if you can.

It amazes me how these people make these films with no real budget, no promise of "making millions" (or indeed hundreds/thousands), but still they do (and do a great job!) True Fans!. /salute.

Revelations is very good, good special effects, cool story, A* work.

Other Excellent FanFilms also at, along with a lot more cool stuff about Star Wars!


Thursday, July 07, 2005

BBC NEWS | UK | London rocked by terror attacks

BBC NEWS | UK | London rocked by terror attacks

I'm not sure what to say, apart from the obvious - Many Many Thanks to the heroic Emergency Services that are helping to bring London back to normality.

I'm not sure what motivates people to do such a thing as this, but do truely hope they are found and brought to justice.

Mayor Ken made a speech from Singapore, I watched via Sky News, that speach really hit home, he mentioned that this attack does not seem to be an attack on Politics - but just an attack on the British people, with no purpose other than to kill...without regard for Cast, Age or Gender...mindless

Stay safe peeps